Confidence Crisis
I know it's been a long time since my last entry, but life has been so full lately, and I'll share some of that fullness with you at another time. I saw this article written by a fellow NAPO-SFBA member and I wanted to share it with my readers because I think it is such a good reminder of how we sometimes let ourselves get in our own way and prevent ourselves from achieving what we most want in life and our business. Please leave a comment if this resonates with you, I'd love to have an open discussion about why we do this to ourselves. Thanks Lisa Montanaro for putting the words together!
Having a Confidence Crisis? The 3
Blocks to Success
![]() 1. The Perfection Trap The Perfection Trap is what causes you to second guess yourself at every turn. It is often disguised as a strength ("I have such high standards."), but in reality can be a manifestation of procrastination, lack of confidence, or fear of failure or success. The Perfection Trap is in some ways the Great Western disease: "I'll be happy when I …" (fill in the blank!). Many people wait until everything is "perfect" to move forward with their ideas, insights, strategies, interests and passions. Unfortunately, the waiting game goes on and on because the stars are never perfectly aligned. In the meantime, what happens? Life (and often success and happiness!) pass you by. Win Borden said, "If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything." Stop waiting until everything is perfect! Live your life now. Pursue your dreams, follow your passions, launch your business, apply for that promotion, ask that special someone out on date… whatever it is. You probably have "enough" already under your belt to take a step in that direction. Remember, done is better than perfect. (For more on this topic, check out my article Done is Better Than Perfect. 2. The Comparison Trap The Comparison Trap is often right there waiting to attack. It is the voice in your head that says, "I could never do that" as you look at others' accomplishments, successes and happiness. It forces you to look outward for your definition of success. You look at others, measure yourself against them, and then think you are less than. When I work with a client, I implement a rule that he or she must follow: No negative self talk! You'd be surprised how difficult it is for many people to adhere to it. Words are powerful, and negative self talk always puts you in a losing position. The world is filled with a sense of competition. Women tend to compare themselves to other women in so many areas: physical appearance, parenting, relationships, and business. Men tend to compare themselves based on material possessions, status, and money. It's exhausting trying to keep up with everyone else! Use what others' do as a model, sample or template, but, make it your own. Otherwise, you will just spin your wheels trying a little bit of everything, but mastering and enjoying nothing. The problem with the Comparison Trap is that it is completely false. No one stands in your shoes. You are the only you. And the trouble with someone thinking they can get ahead of you is that you're assuming that they can walk in your shoes. And this reminds me of something that the actress Judy Garland once said: "Be a first rate version of yourself, rather than be a second rate version of someone else." An original is better than a copy every time. 3. The Impostor Syndrome ![]() Jodie Foster has talked about it freely in some of her interviews. She said that every time she would go on a movie set, whether as an actress or a director as her career progressed, she felt like an impostor and was worried that she'd be "found out." And this is coming from an accomplished performer since she was a child, and a celebrity by most people's standards. But it doesn't matter. When she looked in the mirror, she didn't see that celebrity. She didn't value herself the way others valued her. We so often judge ourselves harshly because in our own minds, we aren't quite there yet. We tend to focus on what we have not accomplished yet, what remains to be done, what goals we have not yet reached. Try to remind yourself of what you have already accomplished, how much you have already grown and changed, and the goals you have met. It is often on the journey to becoming who we are that the true growth takes place. The term authenticity is often used these days (some may say over-used). I think being authentic means taking ownership of your true value, including all that you bring to the table, while humbling yourself enough to admit that you still have some steps to take on your journey. That doesn't make you an impostor. It makes you human. |
Copyright 2015 ©
Lisa Montanaro
Lisa Montanaro is a Productivity Consultant, Success Coach, Business Strategist, Speaker and Author who helps people live successful and passionate lives, and enjoy productive and profitable businesses. To receive her free Toolkit, Achieve Powerhouse Success with Purpose, Passion & Productivity, visit Lisa is the author of several books, including DECIDE to be Organized: An Empowering Process for Change. Through her work, Lisa helps people deal with the issues that block personal and professional change and growth. To explore how Lisa can help you be purposeful, passionate and productive, contact Lisa at (530) 564-4181 or by e-mail at |