Sunday, July 14, 2013

Welcome to my Blog

I recently went to a Business Breakthrough Summit with speaker extraordinaire Caterina Rando. (  One of the things she spoke about in order to get your business thriving was to make a decision quickly. I tend to be the type of person who thinks about doing something, asks others their opinion about what I'm thinking about doing, researches the thing I'm thinking about doing, and generally, end up taking forever to make a decision. So when she said that, it struck a chord with me. Sometimes we end up thinking about doing something so much that we never end up actually doing it and what's the point of that?

That brings me to this point. I have thought a long time about writing a blog, and then I thought, "Hmmmm, what would I write about?" Then I decided (and did it!) to become a Professional Organizer. Oh boy! Now I have something to write about!! So now the decision is exactly what I'll write about in my organizing blog. I'll admit that I'll be "borrowing" ideas from other blogs as I'm learning to use my own voice, and I will gladly give credit where credit is due.

This blog is intended to give tips and advice to help those who want to get organized but don't necessarily want a stranger in their house pawing through their "stuff." If you like what you read here, please tell others and post my tips on your own social media sites. They say the sincerest form of flattery is imitation, so feel free to imitate me!

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